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The graphql/type module is responsible for defining GraphQL types and schema. You can import either from the graphql/type module, or from the root graphql module. For example:

import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; // ES6
const { GraphQLSchema } = require('graphql'); // CommonJS









class GraphQLSchema {
  constructor(config: GraphQLSchemaConfig);
type GraphQLSchemaConfig = {
  query: GraphQLObjectType;
  mutation?: GraphQLObjectType;

A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation, query and mutation (optional). A schema definition is then supplied to the validator and executor.


const MyAppSchema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: MyAppQueryRootType,
  mutation: MyAppMutationRootType,



class GraphQLScalarType<InternalType, ExternalType> {
  constructor(config: GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<InternalType, ExternalType>);
type GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<InternalType, ExternalType> = {
  name: string;
  description?: string;
  specifiedByURL?: Maybe<string>;
  serialize: (outputValue: unknown) => ExternalType;
  parseValue?: (inputValue: unknown) => InternalType;
  parseLiteral?: (
    valueAST: Value,
    variables?: Maybe<Record<string, unknown>>,
  ) => InternalType;

The leaf values of any request and input values to arguments are Scalars (or Enums) and are defined with a name and a series of serialization functions used to ensure validity.


const OddType = new GraphQLScalarType({
  name: 'Odd',
  // Can be used to link to a specification
  // for this scalar, for instance the JSON
  // specification.
  specifiedByURL: '',
    'This custom scalar will only return a value if the passed in value is an odd integer, when it's not it will return null.'
  serialize: (outputValue) => {
    // This function gets called for response-data, the application returns data
    // for a property and in the schema we see that this value has the "Odd" type.
   return typeof outputValue === 'number' && outputValue % 2 === 1 ? value : null;
  parseValue: (inputValue) => {
    // This function gets called for input-data, i.e. variables being passed in
    return typeof inputValue === 'number' && outputValue % 2 === 1 ? value : null;
  parseLiteral(ast) {
    // This function gets called when the value is passed in as a literal on the
    // Executable GraphQL Document
    if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
      return oddValue(parseInt(ast.value, 10));
    return null;


class GraphQLObjectType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLObjectTypeConfig);
type GraphQLObjectTypeConfig = {
  name: string;
  interfaces?: GraphQLInterfacesThunk | GraphQLInterfaceType[];
  fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk | GraphQLFieldConfigMap;
  isTypeOf?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => boolean;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLInterfacesThunk = () => Array<GraphQLInterfaceType>;
type GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk = () => GraphQLFieldConfigMap;
// See below about resolver functions.
type GraphQLFieldResolveFn = (
  source?: any,
  args?: { [argName: string]: any },
  context?: any,
  info?: GraphQLResolveInfo,
) => any;
type GraphQLResolveInfo = {
  fieldName: string;
  fieldNodes: Array<Field>;
  returnType: GraphQLOutputType;
  parentType: GraphQLCompositeType;
  schema: GraphQLSchema;
  fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinition };
  rootValue: any;
  operation: OperationDefinition;
  variableValues: { [variableName: string]: any };
type GraphQLFieldConfig = {
  type: GraphQLOutputType;
  args?: GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap;
  resolve?: GraphQLFieldResolveFn;
  deprecationReason?: string;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap = {
  [argName: string]: GraphQLArgumentConfig;
type GraphQLArgumentConfig = {
  type: GraphQLInputType;
  defaultValue?: any;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLFieldConfig;

Almost all of the GraphQL types you define will be object types. Object types have a name, but most importantly describe their fields.

When two types need to refer to each other, or a type needs to refer to itself in a field, you can use a function expression (aka a closure or a thunk) to supply the fields lazily.

Note that resolver functions are provided the source object as the first parameter. However, if a resolver function is not provided, then the default resolver is used, which looks for a method on source of the same name as the field. If found, the method is called with (args, context, info). Since it is a method on source, that value can always be referenced with this.


const AddressType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Address',
  fields: {
    street: { type: GraphQLString },
    number: { type: GraphQLInt },
    formatted: {
      type: GraphQLString,
      resolve(obj) {
        return obj.number + ' ' + obj.street;
const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Person',
  fields: () => ({
    name: { type: GraphQLString },
    bestFriend: { type: PersonType },


class GraphQLInterfaceType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig);
type GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig = {
  name: string;
  fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk | GraphQLFieldConfigMap;
  resolveType?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => GraphQLObjectType;
  description?: string;

When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Interface type is used to describe what types are possible, what fields are in common across all types, as well as a function to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved.


const EntityType = new GraphQLInterfaceType({
  name: 'Entity',
  fields: {
    name: { type: GraphQLString },


class GraphQLUnionType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLUnionTypeConfig);
type GraphQLUnionTypeConfig = {
  name: string;
  types: GraphQLObjectsThunk | GraphQLObjectType[];
  resolveType?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => GraphQLObjectType;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLObjectsThunk = () => GraphQLObjectType[];

When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Union type is used to describe what types are possible as well as providing a function to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved.


const PetType = new GraphQLUnionType({
  name: 'Pet',
  types: [DogType, CatType],
  resolveType(value) {
    if (value instanceof Dog) {
      return DogType;
    if (value instanceof Cat) {
      return CatType;


class GraphQLEnumType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLEnumTypeConfig);
type GraphQLEnumTypeConfig = {
  name: string;
  values: GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap = {
  [valueName: string]: GraphQLEnumValueConfig;
type GraphQLEnumValueConfig = {
  value?: any;
  deprecationReason?: string;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLEnumValueDefinition = {
  name: string;
  value?: any;
  deprecationReason?: string;
  description?: string;

Some leaf values of requests and input values are Enums. GraphQL serializes Enum values as strings, however internally Enums can be represented by any kind of type, often integers.

Note: If a value is not provided in a definition, the name of the enum value will be used as its internal value.


const RGBType = new GraphQLEnumType({
  name: 'RGB',
  values: {
    RED: { value: 0 },
    GREEN: { value: 1 },
    BLUE: { value: 2 },


class GraphQLInputObjectType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLInputObjectConfig);
type GraphQLInputObjectConfig = {
  name: string;
    | GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMapThunk
    | GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMapThunk =
  () => GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap;
type GraphQLInputObjectFieldConfig = {
  type: GraphQLInputType;
  defaultValue?: any;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLInputObjectFieldConfig;
type GraphQLInputObjectField = {
  name: string;
  type: GraphQLInputType;
  defaultValue?: any;
  description?: string;
type GraphQLInputObjectFieldMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLInputObjectField;

An input object defines a structured collection of fields which may be supplied to a field argument.

Using NonNull will ensure that a value must be provided by the query


const GeoPoint = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
  name: 'GeoPoint',
  fields: {
    lat: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
    lon: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
    alt: { type: GraphQLFloat, defaultValue: 0 },


class GraphQLList {
  constructor(type: GraphQLType);

A list is a kind of type marker, a wrapping type which points to another type. Lists are often created within the context of defining the fields of an object type.


const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Person',
  fields: () => ({
    parents: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) },
    children: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) },


class GraphQLNonNull {
  constructor(type: GraphQLType);

A non-null is a kind of type marker, a wrapping type which points to another type. Non-null types enforce that their values are never null and can ensure an error is raised if this ever occurs during a request. It is useful for fields which you can make a strong guarantee on non-nullability, for example usually the id field of a database row will never be null.


const RowType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Row',
  fields: () => ({
    id: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(String) },



function isInputType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives.


function isOutputType(type: GraphQLType): boolean;

These types may be used as output types as the result of fields


function isLeafType(type: GraphQLType): boolean;

These types may describe types which may be leaf values


function isCompositeType(type: GraphQLType): boolean;

These types may describe the parent context of a selection set


function isAbstractType(type: GraphQLType): boolean;

These types may describe a combination of object types



function getNullableType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNullableType;

If a given type is non-nullable, this strips the non-nullability and returns the underlying type.


function getNamedType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNamedType;

If a given type is non-nullable or a list, this repeated strips the non-nullability and list wrappers and returns the underlying type.



let GraphQLInt: GraphQLScalarType;

A GraphQLScalarType that represents an int.


let GraphQLFloat: GraphQLScalarType;

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a float.


let GraphQLString: GraphQLScalarType;

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a string.


let GraphQLBoolean: GraphQLScalarType;

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a boolean.


let GraphQLID: GraphQLScalarType;

A GraphQLScalarType that represents an ID.